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BottomLine asks Bessie founders what's for dinner? And more!

We chatted with BottomLine about how a small player like Bessie can compete in the big market of food.

"Knowing your customer, doing the customer discovery, and just talking to your customers…it’s such a simple thing, but knowing their pain points and what they like has been our biggest lesson." - Shanika Abeysinghe

BottomLine and Bessie Box Evolutionary Leader Profile
Spencer (Bessie founder) and Lisa Genovese (BottomLine founder) at the BottomLine Christmas Party. Sweaters abound!

Lisa chatted with Bessie founders Shanika and Alex about what exactly Bessie is doing in the big market of food. Read more and watch the video interview on BottomLine's blog here.

Big thank you:
Interview by Lisa Genovese